First-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle studies - Recruitment for studies starting in the winter semester 2024/2025

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Games and Virtual Reality Design (Branch in Cieszyn), full-time, second-cycle studies

Code W6-S2PG19
Organizational unit Faculty of Arts and Educational Science
Field of studies Games and Virtual Reality Design
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Second cycle
Educational profile practical
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Admission limit 16
Duration 2 years (4 semesters)
Required document
  • Higher education
  Ask a question
There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (03.06.2024 12:00 – 14.09.2024 23:59)


information on degree programme

Faculty of Arts and Educational Science website

statistics from previous years

number of candidates for 1 place

admission fee:

PLN 150

Semester fee
for Poles and foreigners
entitled to
full-time studies
in Polish
with no tuition fees


 No semester fees

Semester fee
for foreigners applying
for studies
on tuition basis


regulations and deadlines for paying tuition fees, account number

- more information on the website 



 Useful information:


 Admission process schedule

STAGE 1 - before the qualification procedure

Making recruitment applications in the Online Application System (IRK), entering diploma grades, uploading scans of documents and paying admission fees

from 3 June 2024 from 12 p.m.

until 14 September 2024 until 11:59 p.m.

The last day of booking the admission fees paid by candidates on the last day of registration in the system 16 September
Uploading a document confirming the knowledge of the language of instruction (Polish / English)

 by September 16

Entry exams  Etap I (forma online) – przesyłanie teczek 01.06.2023 do 14.09.2023
Etap I – przegląd i ocena teczek z pracami (forma on-line): Prace w formie skanów, zdjęć, plików graficznych należy przesyłać za pośrednictwem systemu IRK. Zakładka/Teczka prac własnych Akceptowane formaty plików: jpg, png, pdf jednostronicowy (maksymalny rozmiar do 1 MB/plik), pdf wielostronicowy (maksymalny rozmiar do 10 MB/plik). Pliki wideo: mp4, mov – linki w formie pliku tekstowego do osadzonego filmu, animacji na dostępnych stronach www np. YouTube itp. Nie należy do systemu IRK wysyłać plików wideo. Nie należy wysyłać plików spakowanych (zip, rar, itp.). Pliki spakowane nie będą brane pod uwagę. Do przeglądu teczek można przedstawić dobrej jakości zdjęcia łącznie do 10 dużych prac rysunkowych bądź malarskich wykonanych w oryginale w formatach (50x70 cm) i większych. Dodatkowo dopuszcza się przedstawienie przez kandydata innych przykładów twórczej aktywności takich jak szkice rysunkowe oraz malarskie, rysunki koncepcyjne, ilustracje, animacje, prace 3D, kolaże oraz inne. W przypadku skanów i zdjęć należy w nazwie pliku podać informację o technice i wymiarach oryginału, np. „rysunek_ołówek_70x100cm.jpg”. Kandydat przesyła prace w formie elektronicznej — dane techniczne umieszczone są w systemie Internetowej Rejestracji Kandydatów na studia w zakładce „Harmonogram”.Pliki należy przesyłać wyłącznie za pośrednictwem systemu IRK.
Etap II (forma on-line) – rozmowa kwalifikacyjna 16.09.2024 Dodatkowe informacje: Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna komisji z kandydatem przy pomocy platformy Zoom (

Stage 2 - announcement of the results of the qualification procedure.

Enrolment and submission of documents

Announcement of accepted candidates lists  18 September
Submission of documents and enrolment

19-26 September

Thursday: from  10.00-13.00
Friday: from 10.00-13.00
Monday: from 10.00-13.00
Tuesday: from 10.0--13.00


Faculty of Arts and Educational Science

ul. Bielska 62 43-400 Cieszyn pok 
  tel. 33 854 61 64,  mail:

Deadline for enrolment for candidates accepted from the waiting lists

Deadline for enrolment from the waiting list

26 September

Thursday: from  10.00-13.00

Admissions criteria

Candidates with a 1st cycle studies, 2nd cycle studies, or long-cycle studies diploma may apply for admission to the study programme.

Stage 1 – review and evaluation of personal work portfolios

The candidate's portfolio should contain up to 20 artworks on various subjects representing the candidate's work to date. Photographic or electronic documentation of other works may be included. In the case of a stationary exam, the review of portfolios is carried out in the presence of the candidate the candidate.

Scores: 1 to 50 points, positive result: from 20 to 50 points.

Stage 2 – interview on art history and theory, cultural anthropology, and knowledge of the modern gaming market.

Scores: 1 to 50 points, positive result: from 20 to 50 points.

A negative result at any stage shall disqualify the candidate.

The candidate’s final result shall be the sum (from positive results) of the points obtained from the particular stages of the admission procedure.

Admission for the study programme shall be determined by the place on the ranking list created based on the sum of points obtained in the admission procedure.


  Faculty of Arts and Educational Science International Admissions Office Faculty Recruitment Committee
you can ask questions about

matters related to studies: study program, class registration, student ID, tuition fees, password reset in USOSweb, etc.

issues related to recruitment: the IRK system, the recruitment process for studies, required documents, etc. issues related to recruitment: the IRK system, the recruitment process for studies, admission criteria, qualification for studies, required documents, etc.
 opening hours   Monday-Thursday, 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.  
phone     tel. 33 854 61 64, 

 32 359 22 72, 32 359 22 73

(+48) 600 124 625 
e-mail   tel. 33 854 61 64, 

We kindly ask you not to send messages to this address if correspondence has already been conducted via the IRK system. Sending messages through several channels will increase the waiting time for a response.

ul. Bielska 62

43-400 Cieszyn

ul. Bankowa 12,
pok. 3.8
40-007 Katowice
Cieszyn, ul. Bielska 62