First-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle studies - Recruitment for studies starting in the winter semester 2024/2025

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Slavonic Studies, full-time, second-cycle studies

Code W1-S2FS19
Organizational unit Faculty of Humanities
Field of studies Slavonic Studies
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Second cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Admission limit 12
Duration 2 years (4 semesters)
Required document
  • Higher education
  Ask a question
There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (03.06.2024 12:00 – 22.09.2024 23:59)


information on degree programme

Faculty of Humanities website

statistics from previous years

number of candidates for 1 place

admission fee:

PLN 85

Semester fee
for Poles and foreigners
entitled to
full-time studies
in Polish
with no tuition fees


 No semester fees

Semester fee
for foreigners applying
for studies
on tuition basis


regulations and deadlines for paying tuition fees, account number

- more information on the website 



 Useful information:


 Admission process schedule

STAGE 1 - before the qualification procedure

Making recruitment applications in the Online Application System (IRK), entering diploma grades, uploading scans of documents and paying admission fees

from 3 June 2024 at 12:00 noon

until 22 September 2024 at 23:59

The last day of booking the admission fees paid by candidates on the last day of registration in the system 24 September
Uploading a document confirming the knowledge of the language of instruction (Polish / English)

by September 24


Dla absolwentów innych niż filologia słowiańska kierunków oraz tych, którzy nie mogą wykazać się udokumentowaną znajomością języka kierunkowego, a w systemie IRK zapisali się na specjalność: *tłumaczeniową egzamin pisemny i ustny z języka kierunkowego, potwierdzający kompetencje językowe kandydata na poziomie co najmniej B1 zgodnie z Europejskim Systemem Kształcenia Językowego.
 Egzamin: 25 września, godz. 10.00

Stage 2 - announcement of the results of the qualification procedure.

Enrolment and submission of documents

Announcement of accepted candidates lists 30 September
Submission of documents and enrolment

1 -2 October

Tuesday: from 10.00-14.00

Wednesday, from 10.00-14.00


Faculty of Humanities

ul. Grota Roweckiego 5, p. 1,24, 41-200 Sosnowiec
mgr Żaneta Kuwak-Nawrot ,                    numer telefonu: 32 364 08 59

Deadline for enrolment for candidates accepted from the waiting lists

Deadline for enrolment from the waiting list


Admissions criteria

Applications are open to persons who have obtained a bachelor's, master's or equivalent degree in Slavonic philology and in any other major.

Recruitment is by major. During the registration in the IRK, the candidate selects one of the two aforementioned specialities, subject to the translation speciality - required is the knowledge of the language direction, the least B1. Proof of language knowledge of the language should be attached to the applicant's personal registration account in the IRK.**

For the specialisation: modern languages and cultures of southern and western Slavs, knowledge of the languages and cultures of Southern and Western Slavs - is not required.***.

Eligibility criterion:

for graduates in Slavic philology; 

**; ***and those who can prove 

knowledge of the major language and who have enrolled in the IRK system have enrolled in a specialisation: 

**translation or ***contemporary languages and cultures of South Slavs and modern languages and cultures of southern and western Slavs Western Slavs

Eligibility criterion: 

* for graduates of majors other than Slavic philology Slavonic philology and those who cannot demonstrate who cannot demonstrate proven knowledge of their  knowledge of the language of the course: Croatian, Czech, Serbian or Czech, Serbian or Slovenian, and in the IRK system have enrolled for specialisation: *translation

Eligibility elements taken into account:

- grade obtained on the graduation diploma converted into points - max. 70 points

- average grade from studies - converted into into points. - max. 30 points

Method of calculating the grade on the diploma graduation:

grade 5 - 70 pts.

grade 4+ - 60 pts.

grade 4 - 50 pts.

grade 3+ - 40 pts.

assessment 3 - 30 pts.

Method of calculating study average:

5.00 - 4.51 - 30 pts.

4.50 - 4.01 - 25 points.

4.00 - 3.51 - 20 pts.

3.50 - 3.01 - 15 points.

3.00 - 10 pts.

Elements of qualification taken into account:

- a written examination in Russian, proving language competence level at least B2 according to the European Language Language Education System - assessed scored - max. 70 points

- a job interview in Russian assessed by points - maximum 30 points



Language skills are expected to be at at least B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Language Framework.


  • Qualification for studies is determined by the place on the ranking list, created on the basis of the based on the sum of points obtained from the qualifications. 
  • There is one common ranking list for all candidates.
  • The admission process for Slavonic Studies shall be conducted within the limits of admissions adopted by the Senate of the University. The candidate shall indicate the preferred major in the IRK system at the registration for a study programme. It is also stipulated that for the major Translation and Interpreting – knowledge of the first language at the level of at least B1 shall be required.
  • For a major in Modern Languages and Cultures of Southern and Western Slavs – knowledge of the first language shall not be required.
  • The approved admission limit for the study programme shall be divided into individual majors mentioned above. The number of places for a particular major shall be determined by the Faculty.

  • The choice of the first language (for a chosen major) should be declared in the documents submitted during the registration to the studies (in the declaration).

  • During the academic year 2023/24, it is planned to start groups in which the first language will be Croatian, Czech, and Serbian.

  • A given major shall be launched with the number of candidates required to form one class group.


  Faculty of Humanities International Admissions Office Faculty Recruitment Committee
you can ask questions about

matters related to studies: study program, class registration, student ID, tuition fees, password reset in USOSweb, etc.

issues related to the recruitment of foreigners (candidates without Polish citizenship): the admission process, formalities related to the required documents (legalization, apostille), acceptance letters, etc. issues related to recruitment: the IRK system, the recruitment process for studies, admission criteria, qualification for studies, required documents, etc.
 opening hours  przez cały czas trwania rekrutacji  Monday - Thursday, 9.00–15.00   Od 01.07.2024 do 31.07.2024, od 10.09. do 16.09.2024  sekretariat kierunku filologia słowiańska w godzinach 10.00-14.00, tel. 32 364 08 43, pok. 4.28 (3 piętro, pion czerwony). Dyżury sekretarza rekrutacji: 18.06.2024, godz. 13.00-14.30; 25.06.2024, godz. 10.00-11.30; 17.09.2024, godz. 10.00-11.30; 25-26.09.2024, godz. 10.00-14.00; 01-02.10.2024, godz.10.00-14.00; 
phone  32 364 08 59 

 32 359 22 72, 32 359 22 73

  32 364 09 25

We kindly ask you not to send messages to this address if correspondence has already been conducted via the IRK system. Sending messages through several channels will increase the waiting time for a response. 

ul. Grota Roweckiego 5, p. 1.24

41-200 Sosnowiec

ul. Bankowa 12,
pok. 3.8
40-007 Katowice
   Wydział Humanistyczny,

ul. Grota-Roweckiego 5, 41-200 Sosnowiec 
pok.. 3.62 (2 piętro, pion pomarańczowy)