Doctoral School at the University of Silesia in Katowice - admission for projects

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Procedural generation of artistic patterns

Code 20-S3SPIT_T4E06
Organizational unit Doctoral School
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Doctoral school
Language(s) of instruction English, Polish
Admission limit 1
Duration 4 years
Required document
  • Higher education
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There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (15.05.2024 12:00 – 31.05.2024 12:00)

Education at the Doctoral School

An applicant accepted in the admission process becomes a doctoral student of the Doctoral School at the University of Silesia in Katowice and implements an interdisciplinary education program (, participates in the research work of the Institute Computer Science, and conducts classes with students.

The PhD student's supervisor will be dr hab. Krzysztof Gdawiec, prof. UŚ.

The education lasts 4 years (8 semesters). Education aims to obtain a doctoral degree awarded by the University of Silesia in Katowice.

The doctoral student is implementing their project as an international doctorate, in cooperation with universities of the Transform4Europe consortium. Some tasks are carried out at a partner university with designated advisers.

Project description

One of the most elusive goals in computer-aided design is artistic design and pattern generation. Pattern generation involves diverse aspects: analysis, creativity and development. A designer has to deal with all of these aspects to obtain an interesting pattern, which could later be used in jewellery design, carpet design, texture, etc. Usually, most of the work during the design stage is carried out by a designer manually, especially in cases in which the designed pattern should contain some unique, unrepeatable artistic features. Therefore, developing methods (e.g. automatic, semi-automatic) that will assist pattern generation and make the whole process easier is highly useful. The topic's main aim is to develop new procedural methods that will assist the designer in the creation process of various kinds of aesthetic patterns. The methods will be based on various mathematical concepts such as fractals, hyperbolic geometry, plane tilings, symmetry groups, etc. Because the topic lies in the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and arts, it will require good computer graphics programming skills and knowledge of computer graphics and mathematics.

Full call with requirements and criteria

See the file: Procedural-generation-of-artistic-patterns-1.pdf


Qualification criteria

The admission procedure consists of two stages

Stage I: assessment of the candidate's documents:

1. Assessment of the outline of a research proposal (0-3 points)

2. Assessment of the candidate's scientific achievements (0-2 points)

To qualify for the second stage, a candidate must obtain at least 3 points.

Stage II: interview

The interview assesses the candidate's predispositions for scientific work, knowledge of the required scope, level and use of English in scientific communication (total 0-5 points)

To complete the interview with a positive result, you must score at least 3 points.

After completing the interviews, the commission prepares a ranking list based on the points obtained at both stages of qualification, as well as a list of candidates who did not obtain qualifications due to a negative result at the first or second stage. Qualification for the Doctoral School is granted to the candidate who comes first on the ranking list.