International Environmental Doctoral School associated with the Centre for Polar Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice

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International Environmental Doctoral School (IEDS)

Code 21-S3MSSD
Organizational unit International Environmental Doctoral School associated with the Centre for Polar Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice (IEDS)
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Doctoral school
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Admission limit 12
Duration 4 years
Recruitment committee address Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Nauk Przyrodniczych,
ul. Będzińska 60,
41-200 Sosnowiec,
pok. 105, I piętro
University of Silesia, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
60 Będzińska Street,
41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland,
room 105, 1st floor
Office opening hours poniedziałki, środy i czwartki w godzinach 9.30-15.00, piątki 9.00-12.00
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9.30-15.00, Friday 9.00-12.00
WWW address
Required document
  • Higher education
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There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (27.06.2024 12:00 – 23.08.2024 23:59)

Educational Programme

 Educational Programme

The fundamental educational aim is to equip the students with a set of skills necessary to identify new, innovative and applicable research problems, and to conduct research according to the highest, international level, with the use of state-of-the-art analytical methods and techniques. Studies at the Doctoral School will enable the students to gain up-to-date, specialist knowledge in the field of exact and natural sciences as well as engineering and technology, and to develop interdisciplinary understanding of the ways in which the environment operates in the context of global climate changes. The School will enable wider dissemination of knowledge and study results within the academia and the society at large.

Requirements to enter qualification procedure

  1. create a personal account in and fill a form containing relevant declarations and consents;
  2. submitting through the following documents: 
    • an authorized copy of master’s degree along with the supplement;
    • curriculum vitae;
  3. outline of PhD project, a list of scientific achievements and documents confirming the list’s authenticity; other documents specified in qualification criteria (the documents may also be submitted in the IEDS office or sent to or via the website); 
    Submit the form and attachments via the IEDS website
  4. pay the admission fee of 400,00 PLN.

Stages of the qualification procedure

STAGE 1: Assessment of the outline of a doctoral project.

The summary must include information concerning the topic of a doctoral dissertation and the scientific discipline in which the doctoral candidate will implement it, placing the topic of the dissertation in the context of current research issues, research objectives and questions, proposed methods of research and the schedule of preparation of a dissertation. The committee assesses the subject-related level of the proposed doctoral dissertation summary, the selection of research methods, the importance of the doctoral project for the development of the research discipline and the possibility of implementing the doctoral project (maximum 40 points). The summary must include the opinion of the substantive advisor of a dissertation The form of the summary and scientific achievements of the candidate, referred to in will be made available through the website of IEDS. Candidates who have submitted the summary of their dissertation project with an opinion of the substantive advisor within the scheduled deadline and obtained a score above 20 points are allowed to enter the next stage.

STAGE 2: The assessment of the documented scientific achievements of the candidate in the discipline in which the implementation of a doctoral dissertation is planned and the international cooperation.

The assessment of the documented scientific achievements (maximum 20 points) and, in particular: authorship or co-authorship of the reviewed papers included in the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, other articles, monographs and chapters in monographs; active participation in scientific conferences with a presentation or poster; participation in research projects; other scientific activity and engagement in international cooperation. The form of the summary and scientific achievements of the candidate will be made available through the website of IEDS. Candidates who have submitted the scientific achievements form within the time limit according to the schedule will be admitted to further proceedings.

STAGE 3: Recruitment interview.

Recruitment interview assesses candidate’s general qualifications and knowledge in the scope of the discipline in which the doctoral dissertation will be implemented, knowledge of English, motivation and aptitude to conduct scientific work (maximum 40 points). During the recruitment interview, the candidate is obliged to present the concept of the planned doctoral dissertation. A candidate who will not participate in the interview or will receive below 20 points is not eligible for admission.