Romance Philology, full-time, second-cycle studies

In power from: 23 Jan 2023

Registration criteria

 Admission process schedule

STAGE 1 - before the qualification procedure

Making recruitment applications in the Online Application System (IRK), entering diploma grades, uploading scans of documents and paying admission fees

from 3 June 2024 from 12 p.m.

until 22 September 2024 until 11:59 p.m.

The last day of booking the admission fees paid by candidates on the last day of registration in the system 24 September
Uploading a document confirming the knowledge of the language of instruction (Polish / English)

 by September 24

Entrance examination

egzamin z języka obcego dla kandydatów, absolwentów innych kierunków

24 lipca ul. Grota-Roweckiego 5, 41-205 Sosnowiec Egzamin pisemny: godz. 10:00, s. 1.17 Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna: godz. 13:00, s. 4.17

Stage 2 - announcement of the results of the qualification procedure.

Enrolment and submission of documents

Announcement of accepted candidates lists 30 September
Submission of documents and enrolment

1 - 2 October

Tuesday, from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00  p.m.

Wednesday, from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00  p.m.


Faculty of Humanities

ul. Grota Roweckiego 5 p  1.24, 41-200 Sosnowiec (francuski) 32 36 40 859 (hiszpański, włoski) 32 36 40 860

Deadline for enrolment for candidates accepted from the waiting lists

Deadline for enrolment from the waiting list


Admissions criteria

Students who have received a Bachelor's, Master’s, or equivalent degree in any study programme and those with a degree in Romance Studies who intend to continue their major with the same study programme language may apply for admission.

Admission criterion: for graduates of higher education in Romance Studies who intend to continue their major with the same study programme language  Admission criterion: for graduates of other study programmes

Elements of qualification which shall be considered:

  • final grade on the diploma – converted into points – max 70 pts.
  • average of grades from the studies – converted into points – max. 30 pts.

Method of converting final grade on the diploma into points

Grade 5   — 70 pts.

Grade 4+ — 60 pts.

Grade 4   — 50 pts.

Grade 3+ -  40 pts.

Grade 3   — 30 pts.

Method of converting the average from the studies: 

5.00–4.51 — 30 pts.

4.50–4.01 — 25 pts.

4.00–3.51 — 20 pts.

3.50–3.01 — 15 pts.

    3.00      — 10 pts.

Elements of qualification which shall be considered:

  • qualification interview in the Romance language pertinent to the major for which the candidate is applying for admission in the field of: literature, culture and linguistics – scored with points – max. 30 pts.
  • written exam in the foreign language pertinent to the major for which the candidate is applying for admission to assess language skills – scored with points – max. 70 pts.
  • A language knowledge of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages shall be expected.

(Grades from two foreign language exams (for majors Applied French and English with Translation and Interpreting with Language for Business Purposes and Applied Italian and English with Translation and Interpreting with Language for Business Purposes)) will be averaged and converted into points).

  • The admission process for Romance Studies shall be conducted within the limits of admissions adopted by the Senate of the University. The candidate shall indicate the preferred major in the IRK system at the registration for a study programme. The approved admission limit for the study programme shall be divided into individual majors mentioned above. The number of places for a particular major shall be determined by the Faculty. The final allocation shall take place according to the ranking list of those admitted to the Romance Studies study programme.
  • A given major shall be launched with the number of candidates required to form one class group.


  Faculty of Humanities International Admissions Office Faculty Recruitment Committee
you can ask questions about

matters related to studies: study program, class registration, student ID, tuition fees, password reset in USOSweb, etc.

issues related to the recruitment of foreigners (candidates without Polish citizenship): the admission process, formalities related to the required documents (legalization, apostille), acceptance letters, etc. issues related to recruitment: the IRK system, the recruitment process for studies, admission criteria, qualification for studies, required documents, etc.
 opening hours  poniedziałek, godz. 10:00 - 14:00 wtorek, godz. 10:00 - 14:00
środa, godz. 10:00 - 14:00
czwartek, godz. 10:00 - 14:00
piątek, godz. 10:00 – 14:00
Monday - Thursday, 9.00–15.00  Secretarial services: excluding holiday period from 01.08 - 31.08

 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Stationary duty of secretaries:

1 October, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

2 October, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Secretaries will be on leave from 05.08 to 04.09

phone   32 36 40 859, 32 36 40 860

 32 359 22 72, 32 359 22 73

  32 36 40 841 (Sekretariat)
32 36 40 864 (Sekretarze)
e-mail (francuski) (hiszpański, włoski)

We kindly ask you not to send messages to this address if correspondence has already been conducted via the IRK system. Sending messages through several channels will increase the waiting time for a response. (hiszpański) (francuski) (włoski) 

Faculty of Humanities

ul. Grota Roweckiego 5, room 1.24

41-200 Sosnowiec

ul. Bankowa 12,
pok. 3.8
40-007 Katowice

Faculty of Humanities 41-200 Sosnowiec,

ul. Grota Roweckiego 5 pok 4.18