Doctoral School, the field of science and natural sciences, and engineering and technology

In power from: 10 Jun 2022

Registration criteria

Qualification criteria

Criterion 1 - Research plan draft 

(up to 12,000 characters with spaces), not including bibliography (literature).

Three experts assess each project – researchers representing the scientific discipline in which the candidate wants to study

Number of points 0-10 (average of experts’ ratings)

Weight of points on the ranking list: 2

Note – The research plan draft is assessed in the first stage of admission. If a candidate obtains 5 points or less from at least 2 of the 3 evaluators is not qualified for any further procedure.

 Assessment criteria

The project should include:

Criterion 2 - Interview

The candidate who qualifies for the second stage of the assessment participates in an interview with the area admission committee. The committee comprises two representatives of each scientific discipline belonging to the area (see – Scientific disciplines), one representative of doctoral students, a secretary, and a chairman. All committee members can participate in the interview and ask questions. During the interview, the candidate presents the planned project – the concept of the doctorate. The interview admission may concern the project itself and related issues and issues related to the candidate’s education and experience.

Number of points 0-10 (average of all members of the commission, excluding the secretary)

Weight of points on the ranking list: 5

Note – a candidate who receives less than 6 points in this criterion will not be eligible for the Doctoral School, even if he has a sufficient number of points on the ranking list.

 Assessment elements:

Criterion 3 - Scientific and artistic achievements

The points obtained in this criterion are counted for the candidate’s final evaluation and announced to the candidates only after the end of the procedure.

Number of points 0-22

Weight of points on the ranking list: 1

Items assessed:

Criterion 4 - International experience

Points received in this criteria are counted for the candidate’s final evaluation and announced to the candidates only after passing the procedure.

Number of points 0-8

Weight of points on the ranking list: 1

Assessed elements

Obligatory method of confirming achievements from Criterion 3 and 4

1 - Confirmation of active participation by the conference organizer.

2 - In the case of the text accepted for publication – confirmation of acceptance for printing (an e-mail from the publishing house or DOI number is sufficient), in the case of a published text – the first page of the article and the table contents with the author’s name.

3 - Project number and financing institution.


4 - Confirmation of the home or cooperating institution

How to calculate the final score

WK = 2 x PP + 5 x RK + 1 x ON + 1 x WM


where PP is the grade for the research plan project, RK is the grade for the interview, ON is the grade for scientific achievements and WM is the grade for international cooperation.